What is teething?

What is teething?

Teething begins when your baby's first set of teeth begins to erupt. The time to take care of your baby's teeth starts when your baby's first molars erupt. Healthy teeth are an integral part of your child's health.

The teething process is painful for both the child and the parent, one who feels it and the other who sees the process. They may also cry more than usual, and become irritable and restless. They didn't sleep very soundly during the teething process, which make the baby's head heavy. And they often hits the head on solid objects.

However, most children go through the teething process without any symptoms. For those who do not go through these stages easily, here are some tips to help you get through these stages with ease and recovery.

  • Primary teeth

Interpreting teeth by numbers, identifying front molars, canines, and molars.

A baby's first teeth are called primary teeth. These teeth grow in a specific order. They last until the adult teeth come in.

The first tooth erupts after 6 months. Every baby's teething speed is different. If your baby's teeth come in at 3 months or 12 months, there is no need to worry.

The bottom two front teeth are usually the first teeth. After which two upper front teeth come out. Most children have all 20 baby teeth by age 3. Between the ages of 5 and 13, your child's primary teeth begin to erupt to make way for mature teeth.

  • Symptoms

You may not be able to see your baby teething, but your baby will start to notice and show signs of teething. These include the following symbols:

    • Redness or swelling in the groin.
    • Desire to chew solid objects.
    • 2 months before the first tooth emerges, the baby starts to drool.
    • Irritability, restlessness.
    • In most cases, Teething doesn't cause fever or diarrhea. 
    • If your child shows these symptoms, consult a doctor. 

Also, don't mistake irritability, anxiety, or fever for teething.

  • Reasons

The teeth are pushing the gums, which causes discomfort. Although the child may not be able to verbalize his discomfort and pain, they might become more irritable or anxious as the teeth appear.

  • Tips for soothing your baby's restlessness

When your child seems anxious, give them some help with the following simple tips:

Rub your baby's gums

Use a clean finger or a slightly damp cloth to rub the pimples. The feeling of cold and pressure will relieve his anxiety.

Give your baby a round rubber to chew. A strong rubber(teether) to chew on will help the baby to put pressure on the gums. Do not give water-filled rings to your baby to chew because they might get punctured or damage your baby's teeth if chewed.


Your baby may have a penchant for chewing on the bottle, which makes every effort they makes. Please make sure the bottle is filled with water and not a formula or sweetened drink, as increased contact with sugar can damage his teeth.

A cool cloth or chill rubber can soothe your baby. Put a clean and wet piece of clothing into the freezer for 20 to 30 minutes, so that it becomes chilled but not frozen. However, do not give frozen gummies to chew on, as extreme cold items can cause discomfort rather than comfort to your baby.

If your baby is on solids, they may also like chilled apples, carrots, or yogurt.

(Don't give such cold thing if it's winter it may cause cold and flu to little one)

  • Clearing the resin

Continuous resin shedding is part of the teething process. They keep your baby's mouth soft and facilitate teething without damaging the gums. However, too much resin build-up can be unpleasant for your baby's skin. Keep cleaning the resin from your baby's fur with a clean cloth and keep it dry.

  • Head massage

Give babies a nice head massage once a while. It helps them to relax their head and their restlessness.

  • Pain assessment

If your child seems very irritable or restless, give him ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease the pain. Always check with your doctor before giving your child aspirin.

Avoid applying any kind of cream on the sores

Avoid getting any cream on your baby's gums unless your doctor has prescribed a lotion. Your child may swallow the medicine with saliva, which may cause your child to have a sore throat. Most baby lotions will be washed off with your baby's saliva and will have no effect.

  • Oral care and hygiene
    • Start caring for your teeth early
    • Start taking care of the baby as soon as the first tooth emerges. 
    • Brush your baby's teeth at least once a day after the first tooth erupts.
    • Bedtime is usually a good time to create a routine.
    • Use a soft finger toothbrush specially formulated for children.
    • Avoid drinks and sugary drinks
    • Limit sugary drinks to the baby.
    • Do not give him any kind of drink before going to bed.
    • Natural drinks, formula, or breast milk can rot a baby's teeth, especially when some of these drinks are left in the baby's mouth while they're sleeping.
    • Consuming drinks while sleeping can lead to low hemoglobin in the blood.
  • When is medical help needed?

If your child has a persistent fever, see a doctor. In most children, teething does not cause a fever.

  • key points
    • Baby dental care starts as soon as the first tooth erupts from the gums.
    • Healthy teeth are essential for a child's good health.
    • Give the child ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease the pain.
    • Always check with your doctor before giving your child aspirin.
    • You can soothe your baby's cramps by giving them a cold cloth or chewing gum.
    • Sugary drinks such as juice or soda help with tooth decay. Limit sugary drinks to the baby and never hold the baby in a bottle while sleeping.
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