Types of Fever

Types of Fever

Fever is a very common disease. But some of its types can prove to be very dangerous if severe. Especially for kids, fever can be more dangerous due to weak immunity. Most of the fever occurs due to viral or bacterial infection in the body.  Today we will learn about different types of fever, their symptoms and Precautions.

  • Meningitis
    Meningitis is an infection of the fluid in a person's spinal cord and brain. This fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF. Meningitis is also called spinal fever. It is caused by fever, bacteria or virus. Bacterial fever is more dangerous than viral fever. Its type can be determined by a laboratory test of fluid taken from near the spinal cord.
  • Symptoms
    Among its symptoms are headache, high fever and stiff neck muscles. These symptoms are found in children older than 2 years. In children younger than 2 years, early symptoms include lethargy, fever, not drinking and vomiting, irritability. These symptoms appear within a few hours or within 1 to 2 days.

This fever can be transmitted to others. But it is not spread through the air or by touch. Spread by saliva from the patient's mouth, secretions from the nose, and food and drink shared with the patient.

If any of these appear in your child, consult a doctor immediately. In order to avoid its aggravation.

  • Precautions
    ○As soon as possible, the nature of the fever should be determined by conducting a test.

○The patient should be kept separate from the rest of the family.

○Be careful with eating and drinking with the patient.

○Wash hands carefully with soap for 30 seconds before and after touching the patient.

○A course of immunization must be completed.

  • Malaria
    Malaria is a viral fever. which is spread by the bite of a mosquito infected with a parasite known as an Anopheles mosquito. This fever can easily and very quickly be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through mosquitoes. It can be fatal if not treated in time. Malaria fever can occur in people of any age. But children are prone to it due to their weak immunity.
  • Symptoms
    Unlike common fever, the symptoms of malaria appear late. Symptoms of malaria begin to appear 15 to 20 days after a mosquito bite. This virus starts to damage the red blood cells within 12 to 24 hours after entering the body. Its symptoms include the following symptoms:

○High fever.

○Getting cold.

○Trembling in the body.

○Feeling weak.

○Muscle pain.

○Nausea and vomiting.

If any of your family members show such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. This fever is diagnosed through a blood sample. Get your test done immediately by an accredited laboratory.

  • Precautions for rescue
    ○Spray houses with mosquito repellents.

○Keep the windows and doors of the house closed especially in the evening.

○Install fine mesh on the windows.

○Place a mosquito net around the bed.

○Wear full-sleeved clothing when going out.

○Do not allow water to accumulate around houses.

○Take care of cleanliness around the house.

○Consult a doctor immediately if you test positive for malaria.

○Complete a course of medication. Which consists of about 20 to 25 days.

○Take care of your diet.

○Consume soft foods and fruits frequently.

  • Chronic (typhoid) fever

This fever is very common. This fever is caused by a bacterial infection. One of the main reasons for this is not taking care of cleanliness. Even by eating substandard market food, its germs enter the body. Dirty water also causes typhoid fever. In common parlance, it is stomach-intestinal fever. Which affects our digestive system badly.

  • Symptoms
    The symptoms of this fever also do not appear immediately but start appearing in 1 to 2 weeks. Some children appear after 1 month. Here are its symptoms.

○Intermittent fever.

○Pain in the body.


○Vomiting or nausea.

○Feeling very tired.

○Weakening of the body.

○Weight loss.

○Do not feel hungry.


○Gastrointestinal disorder.

  • Food
    Typhoid is actually enteric fever. So it is directly related to our food and drink.

○The patient should never eat market food.

○Avoid spicy foods.

○Cook the meat thoroughly to ensure that it is not raw.

○Eat soft foods.

○Eat fruits and energy-rich foods.

○Increase consumption of water and liquids.

○Vegetable soup. Yogurt Boiled rice is the best food.

○Along with treatment, prevention is very important.

○Diagnosis of disease

If your child shows any of the above symptoms, get checked by a doctor immediately. Typhoid test is also done with blood. There are 2 types of typhoid fever. No need to worry too much if one comes positive. But if both come positive, it means that the disease has intensified.

If proper treatment is started after timely diagnosis, the severity of the disease starts to decrease within a few days.

  • Precautions
    ○Avoid substandard market food.

○Drink clean and boiled water.

○Take special care of body cleanliness. Especially the hands.

○Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the washroom.

○Wash your hands before and after every meal.

○Complete a course of medication. To prevent it from attacking again.

  • Pneumonia
    Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. This is due to fat getting into the lungs. This is a dangerous fever that usually affects children. And in severe cases it can cause death.
  • Symptoms
    Some of its main symptoms are:

○A minor cold and flu.

○Cough with phlegm.

○Difficulty breathing.

○Chest pain.

○Feeling very weak.

○Stomach pain.

○Do not feel hungry.

  • Diagnosis and Precautions
    ○Chest x-ray is done to diagnose this disease.

○Apart from this, blood tests are also conducted.

○At the onset of this fever, it is best managed at home.

○If the medicines prescribed by the doctor are given in time, the patient gets better very quickly.

○Check the fever periodically.

○Don't let the body get dehydrated.

○Avoid smokey and dusty places.

○Severe coughing with difficulty breathing may require hospitalisation.

○Within 3 days of medication and treatment, the patient begins to improve.

○Make sure to complete the course of medicine.

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