Oral Care Must Not Be Ignored

Oral Care Must Not Be Ignored

Being a mother is a new challenge every day. Sometimes the child's stomach problems and the problem of his cold. Sometimes gas problems and sometimes rash tension. You want to take care of everything for the child and you do. Along with all these things there is one more very important thing that you should take care of. That is baby teeth problems.

  • Baby teeth and their care
    It is generally believed that baby teeth are not that important because they will be replaced by mature teeth.

But it is not so.

Baby teeth are very important for children's eating habits, speech ability, growth and personal confidence. Healthy dental habits early in life lead to lifelong oral health.

Teething begins when your baby's first set of teeth begins to erupt. The time to take care of your baby's teeth starts when your baby's first molars erupt. Healthy teeth are an integral part of your child's health.

The first tooth erupts after 6 months. Every baby's teething speed is different. If your baby's teeth come in at 3 months or 12 months, there is no need to worry.

The bottom two front teeth are usually the first teeth. After which two upper front teeth come out. Most children have all 20 baby teeth by age 3. Between the ages of 5 and 13, your child's primary teeth begin to erupt to make way for mature teeth.

  • Protection of milk teeth
    Get your little one used to oral hygiene before teething so that it doesn't become difficult for him or you later. The habits that children get at an early age stay with them for the rest of their lives. Clean baby's gums with a soft, damp cloth after the last feed of the night. Wet the cloth and wrap it around the index finger and rub gently. By which the milk on his gums and its sweetness will end. This will help the child to get into the habit of brushing and brushing teeth in the future.


  • Baby brush
    Start brushing the baby when the first tooth comes out. There are special finger toothbrushes available in the market for babies. They are hollow inside and have a soft brush on top. You can easily clean the baby's teeth by placing these brushes on your finger.


  • Nursing bottle syndrome
    Tooth decay can occur at a young age. This is called nursing bottle syndrome. It is a dangerous disease in newborns and older children. In children, this problem is mostly caused by drinking milk and falling asleep immediately. Babies who drink feeders before going to sleep or go to sleep immediately after drinking breast milk, if their teeth are not cleaned afterwards, they start to decay.


  • Precautions
    ○Do not put milk or any sweetened drink in the feeder while the baby is trying to sleep.

○Try to get the baby used to sleeping without a feeder.

○If the child is very stubborn, then add plain water in the feeder.

○If the baby drinks breast milk, brush his teeth before bedtime

○And then don't give anything sweet.

  • Permanent teeth
    There will come a time when your Nuno's baby teeth will fall out. They fall out one by one and this process continues from the age of 6 to the age of 12. And then the child's permanent teeth come.
  • The names of the different types of teeth are
    ○Incisors – the front teeth located in the upper and lower jaws. Each incisor has a thin cutting edge. The upper and lower incisors come together like a pair of scissors to cut the food.

○Canines – the pointy teeth on both sides of the incisors in the upper and lower jaws; used to tear food.

○Premolars – which have flat surfaces to crush food.

○Molars – these are larger than premolars towards the back of the mouth, with broad, flat surfaces that grind food.

If your child has a cavity and treatment is delayed, it can lead to increased pain and infection. The infection can spread to the child's face and other parts of the body, which can make the child seriously ill. A severe infection can cause permanent damage to your baby's teeth, which are forming in the bone behind the baby's baby teeth.

  • Precautions
    ○Be sure to brush at least twice a day.

○Brushing should be done in the morning.

○Brush before going to bed at night.

○Help your children in brushing.

○Brush the cutie's teeth with your hand.

○By the age of 3, train the child to learn to brush himself.

○Also use floss on infants teeth

○At first, floss the toddler's teeth by yourself, then gradually he will learn to do it on his own.

○Make it a habit to rinse after every meal.

○Set a limit on sweets.

○Be sure to drink water after eating sweets. so that the sweets do not stick to the teeth.

○There are also many fancy and electric brushes available in the market that are battery operated. Make children do things that are interesting. This will develop their interest in brushing.

  • Use of toothpaste
    ○Never give toothpaste to children under 1 year of age. And clean their mouth and teeth with an empty brush and plain water.

○Fluoride toothpaste is also not suitable for a 2-year-old child. This can lead to fluoride overdose in the child.

○For children, there are baby toothpastes available in the market with fruit flavors that are very popular with children.

○Baby toothpaste is not harmful even if the child swallows it.

○Apply a pea-sized amount of paste on the brush

○Do not let children use adult toothpaste.

  • Visit to a Dentist
    Even today, many people hesitate to go to the dentist. However, dental examination is as important as any other part of the body. Wise people say that when the teeth are gone, the taste is gone. Therefore, one should not delay going to the dentist. Children should also have a dental check-up every 6 months. So that if there is any problem, it should be treated before it becomes serious and the tooth should not be extracted.
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