How to Teach your Child to Change Habits

How to Teach your Child to Change Habits

Children are like blank sheets of paper; helping them develop good habits from an early age will help them grow and be happier. The sooner they adopt them, the easier it will be for them to perform and do them automatically. Let's look at some tips on how to teach your child to change habits and we'll also see what habits are best for them.

  • Better habits for children
    A daily shower goes a long way to a good publishing habit. When they are of the right age, we need them to avoid cavities and dental problems. You should make it part of your routine to brush your teeth every day. That he should be clean and look good, wash his hands before eating, wash his face when he wakes up, combs his hair... These are other essential hygiene habits for a person.
  • Eating and resting routines
    Children need a routine to feel confident. They have eating and sleeping routines, and they have their schedules. which have to be fulfilled. Leaving them on vacation is one thing, but routines for the rest of the year should respect both children and parents. Restful sleep will help your brain develop and help you feel more relaxed and less anxious.
  • Order and organization
    Children should participate in the layout and organization of the home, especially its belongings. This way they will learn the value of responsibility and take care of their things. Depending on their age, we can give them some responsibilities at home to help them acquire these habits.
  • Good manners
    Manners are something you learn at home, not at school. That he is well-behaved outside the home, that he knows how to react to certain situations, that he has values… This will help him to know how to adapt to his environment. Belonging to and knowing how to live in public. They are still children, but if we give them the tools, coexistence will be better for everyone.
  • How to teach your child to change habits?
    Do not yell or punish him
    Punishing and yelling are not good habit-changing techniques. On the contrary, the child will not know what he is doing wrong and will get frustrated. The weather will become more hostile and you will also be more worried.
  • Give you another option•
    If he has a bad habit, help him find alternative habits that are good for him. Maybe that habit brings you some happiness, so you should look for a healthy one to make him feel the same way.
  • Respect your child's time
    Every child's development is different, so you have to respect their time. If they have bad habits related to their age (thumb sucking, nail biting…) scolding or making them feel bad only increases the bad habit. We have to explain why it is wrong and analyze why it is. It can be a sign of nervousness or anxiety … We look forward to helping them. If you notice anything unusual or have a habit that is harmful to him, consult his doctor.
  • Set an example
    We can't tell a child to be polite and swear if we tell them all the time. Children learn mostly through imitation, so before we ask something from our child, we have to see if we follow this habit or not. If we want them to eat more vegetables and fruits, we should too.
  • Be patient
    Your child may push your patience to the limit, this is normal. You have to try to stay calm and be patient in changing habits. Respect their actions and give them space to change without pressuring them. Some children will learn new habits faster than others, it just takes a little more time and patience.

Because remember... habits can be changed for more fit individuals, so you just have to be a good teacher and help them in the process.

Keep your attitude positive. Adopt the habits you want to see in your child. Children learn more from what we do than what we say. Be their role model. Give time to children. Try to change their habits slowly and gently. Don't be too quick. And always remember 

" Rome wasn't built in a day "

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