Do and don't for Lactating Mothers

Do and don't for Lactating Mothers

When you're breastfeeding, you need more of certain vitamins and minerals. Your body also needs more calories, so your appetite will increase. Breastfeeding the baby is also very beneficial for the mother, it keeps the health of the mother and the baby as well. It is like hitting two targets with one arrow. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding are listed below۔


  • Some important benefits of breastfeeding
    Breastfeeding can help you lose some of the weight you gained during pregnancy. A gradual weight loss over time while breastfeeding is best. Eating less food is not recommended as breastfeeding causes you to burn extra calories each day.
    • It helps the uterus to shrink and return to normal size.
    • Reduces the amount of blood flow after delivery.
    • Helps to cope with stress.
    • Breastfeeding provides emotional comfort to the mother and improves her emotional bond with her baby.
    • Breast cancer rates are lower in breastfeeding mothers.
    • Apart from this, it helps in preventing many diseases.
  • Which foods do lactating mothers need more?
    A variety of foods ensures adequate levels of nutrients in your milk. Eating on time and including healthy light snacks can help meet nutritional needs and avoid overeating. Diet is very important for breastfeeding mothers. If you're also a breastfeeding mom, add these healthy breastfeeding superfoods to your diet to get the nutrients you need, some of which may help increase your breast milk supply.

Keep in mind that these foods have not been clinically proven to be lactogenic (foods that help breast milk production) or galactagogue (foods that increase breast milk supply). These foods have been used for generations in the Chinese zuweizi diet (zuweizi means "sitting month" and is a time of rest for new mothers), providing breastfeeding mothers with healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Provides a mix of complete nutrition.

    Rice, pasta or bread give you energy and B vitamins. Whole grain foods are rich in vitamins and dietary starches that prevent constipation. Choose whole-grain products, such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread or barley instead of whole-grain bread or wholemeal bread.
    Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid. Vitamin C in fruits like oranges and kiwi helps your body absorb iron. Colorful salads and fruits are rich in carotene to help you get adequate vitamin A, such as pumpkin, tomatoes, and all dark green salads. Use seasonal fruits and vegetables instead of frozen.

These are powerhouses for lactating mothers. A common complaint is that mothers are often very hungry due to the increased caloric demands of nursing, and have little time to prepare and eat meals.

    Avocados are about 80 percent fat and help keep you feeling refreshed in addition to providing your body with heart-healthy fats. Avocados are also a good source of B vitamins, vitamin K, folate, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
  • NUTS:
    Another nutritional powerhouse, nuts are high in essential minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc, as well as vitamin K and B vitamins. They are also a healthy source of essential fatty acids and protein. In addition to their unusual nutritional makeup, nuts are considered lactogenic (meaning they can be foods that help breast milk production) in many parts of the world.

Furthermore, nuts have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for generations, especially almonds, which have not only been written about extensively in Ayurvedic literature, but are among the most widely used in the world. is one of the lactogenic foods.

    Chickpeas and beans are good sources of protein, vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens. Chickpeas have been used as a galactagogue (something that increases breast milk supply) since ancient Egypt. They are a staple in North African, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean cuisines, making them one of the most accessible galactagogues.

Although chickpeas are traditionally the most commonly consumed lactogenic legume, there is no need to limit yourself to one type of chickpea or legume for its lactogenic properties. For example, soybeans contain the most phytoestrogens of all legumes. Eating a variety of pulses and legumes is not only good for your general health but also helps ensure a healthy milk supply.

  • SEEDS:
    Seeds are a nutritional gift! They are the beginning of life for every plant on earth. They provide all the nutrients found in the mature plant as well as a concentrated source of nutrients needed by the tiny seed to grow into a beautiful blooming plant. Seeds are high in protein and essential minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium, as well as healthy fats.

They have been used for centuries to support nursing mothers due to their high vitamin and mineral content. Each seed has its own unique nutritional makeup, so choose a variety, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

    Although turmeric is used as a galactagogue by lactating mothers worldwide, clinical studies have shown the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric to be beneficial for the health and well-being of lactating mothers with the prevention and treatment of mastitis. It has also been shown to be important in reducing the symptoms associated with breast enlargement. In many communities across Asia, turmeric helps boost the immune system of not only the mother but also the baby toward off coughs and colds.
    Choose lean meats and poultry as well as a variety of meats in your diet to get protein, iron, and vitamin B12. Often include eggs, beans, tofu, walnuts, and seeds.
    Fishes such as salmon, Pacific herring, or sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain development.
    Choose low-fat milk, yogurt, or cheese and other non-dairy sources of calcium, such as calcium-fortified soy milk, tofu, canned sardines, or dark green salads.
    Eat foods rich in seafood and iodine, including seaweed or kelp.

Consume less salt and consume only 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of salt per day. Use iodized salt to increase iodine intake.

  • WATER:
    Drink plenty of water. During breastfeeding, your need for fluids increases. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to quench your thirst.
  • What foods should lactating mothers avoid ???
    In this article, we will tell you what foods breastfeeding mothers should avoid.
    Chocolate is rich in theobromine and when consumed, it has the same effect as caffeine. If you find that the child is becoming irritable due to eating chocolate, limit the consumption of chocolate. If a mother consumes more than 750 mg of theobromine a day and also experiences sleep problems, the child's behavior may be moody and irritable.
    Coffee and tea contain large amounts of caffeine, and small amounts of caffeine can also pass into breast milk. The excessive presence of caffeine in their body can cause sleeplessness, moodiness, and irritability.

Neither children nor adults can digest caffeine. Large amounts of caffeine can reduce iron levels in milk and thus decrease the baby's hemoglobin levels.

    Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C, but the acidic ingredients they contain can upset a baby's stomach. Children's digestive systems in the stomach and intestines are still immature and are not able to deal with these acidic ingredients, so it can result in fussiness, diaper rashes, vomiting of milk, and other problems in the baby.

But this does not mean that you should not consume bitter fruits in your diet at all. One grapefruit or orange can be eaten a day. But if you don't want to consume these sour fruits at all, you should choose fruits rich in vitamin C like papaya, mango, and pineapple.

  • MINT:
    Consuming too much peppermint can lead to loss of breast milk. So check the amount of milk when you use this type of herb, especially when your baby needs more milk than usual. When babies start eating solid food, mothers often use peppermint tea to stimulate milk production.

    Avoid eating peanuts until your child starts eating solid foods, especially if you have a family history of peanut allergies. Proteins that cause peanut allergy pass into the baby's body through breast milk. Due to this children may complain of wheezing, skin rashes, or rashes. Allergy-causing proteins can be incorporated into milk within one to six hours of eating even a few peanuts.
    Children get upset by spicy foods, while other children don't mind it much. But for some children, even small amounts of black pepper can cause problems, and such children may feel irritable for a long time. So, if you find that your child's physical condition is affected by the excessive use of spices, the best solution is to minimize the use of spices in your food.
  • CORN:
    Some very young children between the ages of 1 and 3 are allergic to corn. Corn allergy can also cause anxiety and rashes in children. So if you find your children affected by the consumption of corn, eliminate corn from their daily diet.
    Cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that have been linked to cancer.

These chemical substances are gradually embedded in the human body and eventually one day they cause lung, mouth, or throat cancer and this smoke also causes asthma. The harmful effects of cigarettes and alcohol should be included in milk. They reach the child and can make him suffer from various deadly diseases.

Moms that's all for today hope it helps you in many ways.


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